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Gutenberg eReader

Version: 6.01
Package: cynosurex.application.GutenbergeReader

Size: 0.49 MB

Rating: 0/5

Last Updated: 2018-11-25 08:50:48

Changes 6.01 : Added "Last Read", "Bookmark", "Go To", and "Inverse Color" menu options.

Fixed ad display problem when changing orientation.

APK Description:

Gutenberg eReader app gives you access to the entire Project Gutenberg ebook library with a single touch. Search by author, subject, title to find the book quickly and easily. An addition Google search provides fast results.

Other e-readers may give you outdated version of the ebook, because Project Gutenberg "often update [its] automated conversion procedures." You are guaranteed to get the latest, most up-to-date, and most current version direct from Project Gutenberg via this Gutenberg eReader app.

Great navigation interface that is fun to use. Read full HTML books anytime, anywhere for free. Yes, it's an entire bookshelf in your pocket. Try this new way to read fiction on your Android phone or tablet.

Benefits: This app remembers your last read position and renders each ebook extremely well. Share function allows you to share your favorite ebooks with your friends.

Guaranteed to provide endless reading pleasure. If you love reading books, this app is for you. End boredom by downloading Gutenberg eReader now!

How To Use:

Launch Gutenberg eReader on your Android phone or tablet. Find the book you like to read. While reading the book, you can switch to any other tasks or stop the app. The app will remember which book you are reading and where you left off in the book.

When you launch Gutenberg eReader the next time, it will load the book again (if it is not already in memory). After the progress has reached 100% on the title bar, it will restore your book position so that you can continue reading right where you left off.

Menu Options:

Book Info - Tap on this menu option to learn more about the book you are currently reading. Information may include the author, illustrator, publication date, and other books the authorillustrator has written, etc. This menu option is disabled while you are browsing the various categories.

Start Over - Takes you back to the main directory where you can browse for another book.

Quick Seek - Allows you to move through long books quickly and efficiently. This menu option is not available on Android 2.3.3 and prior; long tap on the book instead.

Last Read - When you use the "Go To" menu option to jump to a bookmark, the apps saves your current position. You can use this menu option to jump back.

Go To - This option allows you to go to a bookmark that you have previously set. If you have never set a bookmark, it goes to the beginning of the ebook. When you choose this menu option, the app automatically saves your current position as the last stopping point (see "Last Read" Menu Option).

Bookmark - This menu option places a marker anywhere in ebook. You can go back to this position in the ebook by activating the "Go To" menu option (see "Go To" Menu Option).

Inverse Color - This app defaults to black text on white background. In dark environments, you can inverse the color to white text on black background to avoid disturbing other people. The app remembers your choice. Next time this app is launched, it loads the ebook, then changes the color to your choice.

Save Book - Saves the book you are reading to local storage on your Android device. Currently it saves to the "Download" directory. It also records your current reading position. You can use our "Offline Reader" app to read the local document.

Search - Quick access to let you search the repository by author, title, subject, or Google.

Find - Allows you to find text passages in a book.

Select Text - Select text to copy to clipboard. Copied text can be pasted into other Android apps. This menu option is available on Android 2.3 and prior. On Android 4.1, long tap on a word, dismiss the Quick Seek dialog, then select and copy text.

Share - Allows you to share the book you are reading with your family or friends.

About - Presents the About dialog where you can see more information about this app, like the version number. Provide link to our apps, our web site, and our Facebook page.

Quit - Shuts down the app completely. This action also saves your current book position so that you can return to it at any time.

Some example reading categories:

Science fiction
England -- Fiction
Adventure stories
Short stories
Love stories
Domestic fiction
Historical fiction
Psychological fiction
Humorous stories
Detective and mystery stories
London (England) -- Fiction
Private investigators -- England -- Fiction
Young women -- Fiction
Christmas stories
Holmes, Sherlock (Fictitious character) -- Fiction
Orphans -- Fiction
Male friendship -- Fiction
Boys -- Fiction
Fantasy fiction
Fairy tales
Poor families -- Fiction

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