Prime Cover
Prime Icon


Version: 2.3.4

Size: 0.38 MB

Rating: 0/5

Last Updated: 2020-06-15 20:58:51

Calculation of prime numbers using the algorithm of the sieve of Eratosthenes

Changes 2.3.4 : Rev 2.3.4

- Bug fixing

Rev 2.0 - Major Release:

- Completely redesigned layout

- New functionalities added: calculation of prime numbers in a given interval and evaluation of the nearest prime numbers to a given number

APK Description:

Prime is an application that implements three different functions about prime numbers:

Factorization: using this function it's possible to evaluate the primality of a given integer including from 0 to 999,999,999, and to calculate its scomposition in prime factors if the given number is composite;

Interval Prime: returns all prime numbers included in a given interval between two integer values;

Nearest Prime: returns the nearest prime numbers that define an interval in which the given number is included.

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